Weekly Update 371

27 October 2023

So I wrapped up this week’s live stream then promptly blew hours mucking around with Zigbee on Home Assistant. Is it worth it, as someone asked in the chat? Uh, yeah, kinda, mostly.

Weekly Update 371

So I wrapped up this week’s live stream then promptly blew hours mucking around with Zigbee on Home Assistant. Is it worth it, as someone asked in the chat? Uh, yeah, kinda, mostly. But seriously, having a highly automated house is awesome and I suggest that most people watching these vids harbour the same basic instinct as I do to try and improve our lives through technology. The coordination of lights with times of day, the security checks around open doors, the controlling of fans and air conditioning to keep everyone comfy, it just rocks… when it works 😎

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  1. Sponsored by: Got Linux? (And Mac and Windows and iOS and Android?) Then Kolide has the device trust solution for you. Click here to watch the demo.
  2. 1Password got caught up in the Okta incident (it had no impact, but it does make you wonder about the soundness of passing around HAR files…)
  3. Does a service use HIBP for their “dark web” search? (it depends: some state it explicitly and some explicitly ask it not to be stated, so I simply neither confirm nor deny)
  4. It’s finally time to migrate HIBP away from Table Storage (that post is almost a decade old now and explains why I went with this construct to begin with)
  5. I’m rolling all my Zigbee things from deCONZ with a Conbee to ZHA with Home Assistant Yellow (it’s painful, but shout out to those who helped during the live stream and followed up later via Twitter)
Weekly update

Hi, I’m Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals

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