Tailing Big Head Ransomware’s Variants, Tactics, and Impact

The main file drops and executes the following files:

%AppData%RoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartupServer.exe

The ransomware activities are carried out by runyes.Crypter.bat and azz1.

Tailing Big Head Ransomware’s Variants, Tactics, and Impact

The main file drops and executes the following files:

  • %TEMP%runyes.Crypter.bat
  • %AppData%Roamingazz1.exe
  • %AppData%RoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartupServer.exe

The ransomware activities are carried out by runyes.Crypter.bat and azz1.exe, while Server.exe is responsible for collecting information for stealing.

The file runyes.Crypter.bat drops a copy of itself and Cipher.psm1 and then executes the following command to begin encryption:

cmd  /c powershell -executionpolicy bypass -win hidden -noexit -file cry.ps1

The malware employs the AES algorithm to encrypt files and adds the suffix “.poop69news@[REDACTED]” to the encrypted files. It specifically targets files with the following extensions:

*.aif ,*.cda ,*.mid ,*.midi ,*.mp3 ,*.mpa ,*.ogg ,*.wav ,*.wma ,*.wpl ,*.7z ,*.arj ,*.deb ,*.pkg ,*.rar ,*.rpm ,*.tar ,*.gz ,*.z ,*.zip ,*.bin ,*.dmg ,*.iso ,*.toas ,*.vcd ,*.csv  ,*.dat ,*.db ,*.dbf ,*.log ,*.mdb ,*.sav ,*.sql ,*.tar ,*.xml ,*.email ,*.eml ,*.emlx ,*.msg ,*.oft ,*.ost ,*.pst ,*.vcf ,*.apk ,*.bat ,*.bin ,*.cgi ,*.pl ,*.com ,*.exe ,*.gadget ,*.jar ,*.msi ,*.py ,*.wsf ,*.fnt ,*.fon ,*.otf ,*.ttf ,*.ai ,*.bmp ,*.gif ,*.ico ,*.jpeg ,*.jpg ,*.png ,*.ps ,*.psd ,*.svg ,*.tif ,*.tiff ,*.asp ,*.aspx ,*.cer ,*.cfm ,*.cgi ,*.pl ,*.css ,*.htm ,*.html ,*.js ,*.jsp ,*.part ,*.php ,*.py ,*.rss ,*.xhtml ,*.key ,*.odp ,*.pps ,*.ppt ,*.pptx ,*.c ,*.class ,*.cpp ,*.cs ,*.h ,*.java ,*.pl ,*.sh ,*.swift ,*.vb ,*.ods ,*.xls ,*.xlsm ,*.xlsx ,*.bak ,*.cab ,*.cfg ,*.cpl ,*.cur ,*.dll ,*.dmp ,*.drv ,*.icns ,*.icoini ,*.lnk ,*.msi ,*.sys ,*.tmp ,*.3g2 ,*.3gp ,*.avi ,*.flv ,*.h264 ,*.m4v ,*.mkv ,*.mov ,*.mp4 ,*.mpg ,*.mpeg ,*.rm ,*.swf ,*.vob ,*.wmv ,*.doc ,*.docx ,*.odt ,*.pdf ,*.rtf ,*.tex ,*.txt ,*.wpd ,*.ps1 ,*.cmd ,*.vbs ,*.vmxf ,*.vmx ,*.vmsd ,*.vmdk ,*.nvram ,*.vbox

The file azz1.exe, which is also involved in other ransomware activities, establishes a registry entry at <HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun>. This entry ensures the persistence of a copy of itself. It also drops a file containing the victim’s ID and a ransom note:

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