Semperis unveils groundbreaking identity runtime protection platform

Semperis has announced its innovative Identity Runtime Protection (IRP) – the first offering from its new Lightning platform.

Semperis unveils groundbreaking identity runtime protection platform

Semperis has announced its innovative Identity Runtime Protection (IRP) – the first offering from its new Lightning platform. This cutting-edge solution has been designed to advance cybersecurity defense strategies, offering a new approach to identity threat protection and response.

Unlike most other companies in this field which have integrated AI and ML within their threat detection systems, Semperis can leverage over 150 years of identity security expertise. Such vast experience, when combined with expert machine learning models, enables effective detection of critical attacks – with identity systems being the prime target in 90% of such attacks. Semperis’ knowledge, particularly that garnered from incident response engagements, grants an understanding of how Active Directory and Entra ID attacks operate that is the envy of many of their competitors.

Standing out from the crowd, Lightning IRP boasts advanced behavioural analytics and an extensive threat library. Pulling intelligence from the company’s wider solutions portfolio, like Directory Services Protector (DSP) and Purple Knight, the platform effectively scans security exposure for threats involving Okta and Entra ID protection. This enables organisations to gain insights into potential dangers, thereby empowering them to safeguard their assets proactively.

What’s even more exciting is that the Lightning IRP is available right now for purchase and it comes with the Directory Services Protector Intelligence edition included. As a paradigm shift in the identity attack protection spectrum, this product utilises proprietary algorithms – the product of Semperis’ team of experienced identity security experts – to detect and counteract attack patterns and anomalies with both speed and accuracy.

Mickey Bresman, CEO of Semperis, rightly points out, “Detecting an anomaly is relatively easy. Putting it into context is where the challenge is.” This tool hence combines deep machine learning expertise with real-world knowledge to provide meaningful context that aids organisations in isolating and tackling high-risk threats.

Chief Scientist at Semperis, Dr. Igor Baikalov, underlines the fact that Identity Runtime Protection “significantly accelerates an effective response to identity system threats”. Being a pioneer in the field – with prior experience in leading the development of security intelligence and risk analytics solutions at Bank of America – Dr. Baikalov has a wealth of knowledge that has been channelled into this offering. Lightning IRP thus captures, analyses, and correlates authentication activities, making detection of known attack patterns or suspicious behaviour easier.

As a cherry on top, Semperis VP of Products Darren Mar-Elia highlights that the Lightning IRP “changes the way the industry applies machine learning to detect cyberattacks,” as it extends the company’s live attack pattern detection capabilities.

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