Qualified certificates with qualified risks

Posted by Chrome Security team

Improving the interoperability of web services is an important and worthy goal. We believe that it should be easier for people to maintain and control their digital identities.

Qualified certificates with qualified risks

Improving the interoperability of web services is an important and worthy goal. We believe that it should be easier for people to maintain and control their digital identities. And we appreciate that policymakers working on European Union digital certificate legislation, known as eIDAS, are working toward this goal. However, a specific part of the legislation, Article 45, hinders browsers’ ability to enforce certain security requirements on certificates, potentially holding back advances in web security for decades. We and many past and present leaders in the international web community have significant concerns about Article 45’s impact on security.

We urge lawmakers to heed the calls of scientists and security experts to revise this part of the legislation rather than erode users’ privacy and security on the web.

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