Microsoft MVP – Proudly since 2009 | Dr. Erdal Ozkaya

Microsoft MVP – Proudly since 2009
Thank you very much Microsoft for awarding me Most Valuable Professional this year again.

Microsoft MVP - Proudly since 2009 | Dr. Erdal Ozkaya

Microsoft MVP – Proudly since 2009

Thank you very much Microsoft for awarding me Most Valuable Professional this year again. I am proud to be awarded as Microsoft MVP, since 2009 (2016-17-18 & 19 I was a Microsoft employee and as a result not MVP)
Special thanks to the Microsoft MVP Team, as well as Azure and Security teams.

And finally, congratulations to all MVPs who are awarded

You can see my MVP profile from here 

MVP Rockstar Erdal Ozkaya
MVP Rockstar Erdal Ozkaya

Most Valuable Professional. Security and Azure

Thursday, July 6. 2023

Re: Dr Erdal Ozkaya  Most Valuable Professional. Security and Azure

To whom it may concern,

It is with great pride we announce that Dr Erdal Ozkaya has been awarded as a Microsoft® Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for 7/1/2023 – 7/1/2024.

The Microsoft MVP Award is an annual award that recognizes exceptional technology community leaders worldwide who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with users and Microsoft. All of us at Microsoft recognize and appreciate Erdal’s extraordinary contributions and want to take this opportunity to share our appreciation with you.

With just over 3,000 awardees worldwide. Microsoft MVPs represent a highly select group of experts. MVPs share a deep commitment to community and a willingness to help others. They represent the diversity of today s technical communities. MVPs are present in over 90 countries, in more than 40 languages, and across numerous Microsoft technologies. MVPs share a passion for technology, a willingness to help others, and a commitment to community.

These are the qualities that make MVPs exceptional community leaders. MVPs’ efforts enhance people’s lives and contribute to our industry’s success in many ways. By sharing their knowledge and experiences, and providing objective feedback, they help people solve problems and discover new capabilities every day. MVPs are technology’s best and brightest, and we are honored to welcome Erdal as one of them.

To recognize the contributions they make. MVPs from around the world have the opportunity to meet Microsoft executives, network with peers, and position themselves as technical community leaders. This is accomplished through speaking engagements, one on one customer event participation and technical content development. MVPs also receive early access to technology through a variety of programs offered by Microsoft, which keeps them on the cutting edge of the software and hardware industry.

As a recipient of this year’s Microsoft MVP award, Erdal joins an exceptional group of individuals from around the world who have demonstrated a willingness to reach out. share their technical expertise with others and help individuals maximize their use of technology.

The Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award Team Microsoft Corporation

To see my earlier MVP awards, click here 

Microsoft MVP
Dr Erdal ozkaya Microsoft Most Valuable Professional

What is the MVP Award?

For more than two decades, the Microsoft MVP Award is our way of saying “Thanks!” to outstanding community leaders. The contributions MVPs make to the community, ranging from speaking engagements, to social media posts, to writing books, to helping others in online communities, have incredible impact. Key benefits to MVPs include early access to Microsoft products, direct communication channels with our product teams and an invitation to the Global MVP Summit, an exclusive annual event hosted in our global HQ in Redmond.

They also have a very close relationship with the local Microsoft teams in their area, who are there to support and empower MVPs to address needs and opportunities in the local ecosystem. Other benefits include an executive recognition letter, a Visual Studio technical subscription, and an Office 365 subscription.

What does it take to be an MVP?

There are 3 very simple steps: Be an expert, do lots of what you love, and let us know! Really, there isn’t a long checklist of things you need to do to become an MVP. The best MVPs really excel in step #2: they LOVE what they do. And we can tell! Whether you’re a recognized speaker, a technical content creator, technical community leader, recognized advocate on social media, a consistent GitHub contributor or have a totally different and cool way to share your passion for our products and services, we’d love to know more!

How can I become an MVP?

We want to award the best and brightest technical community leaders! To place yourself into consideration for the MVP Award, a nomination referral must be first submitted on your behalf by either a Microsoft Full Time Employee (FTE) or Microsoft MVP. Following this referral submission, a link to complete the award nomination will be sent to you. Once you have completed the nomination form, we will review your nomination. As you can imagine, sometimes we receive a lot of applications, this process can take up to 90 days. If you have any questions, please contact the MVP global support channel.

MVP Award Technology Structure

For over 20 years, the Microsoft MVPs have played a vital role in the support, advancement and adoption of our technologies. Today there are more than 4,000 MVPs globally, and many of them now design, build and innovate across multiple platforms, devices and technologies-including open source, creating holistic solutions and helping others to do the same.

In this mobile-first, cloud-first world, the ability to recognize the broad array of community contributions MVPs make across cutting edge technologies and constant innovation is essential. The MVP Award structure is designed to align with Microsoft’s top priorities, while at the same time, allowing us to be agile with the pace of innovation, changes in the market and wide range of contributions you make in the communities today.

We award MVPs in Award Categories which encompass a great number of Developer and IT Pro focused technology areas-including open source. Our Award Categories are specifically designed at a high level for durability and enablement of broad contribution recognition of MVPs in these technology areas. They are also directly aligned to Contribution Areas, an array of related technologies under each Award Category. The Contribution Areas are designed to be dynamic and may change as industry, products and services evolve. They also provide greater insight toward MVP contributions, enabling rich conversations and deeper engagements with our product teams.

A key element of the MVP Award structure is recognition. If you contribute to areas that span multiple technologies, you have the opportunity to potentially be recognized in multiple MVP Award Categories. We are very excited about this for our community!

For more info click here 

Microsoft MVP Award 2022
Microsoft MVP Award


Microsoft MVP 2023 – microsoft mvp – how to become a microsoft mvp – what is a microsoft mvp -microsoft mvp overview – microsoft mvp program – What does being a Microsoft MVP mean? – How do I get Microsoft MVP? Dr Erdal ozkaya Microsoft Most Valuable Professional- Microsoft MVP Award – MVP Rockstar Erdal Ozkaya

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